Blog post (20% of the final mark)

Word Length: 800 words (+/-10%), everything included
You need to write a blog post inspired by one of the statements listed below.
Those are provocative statements and you may or may not agree with them (your
mark will not depend on that). Those statements are very general and you should
narrow them down for your blog post (e.g. by focusing on a particular case,
discussing an original example or choosing one subtheme). Your blog should be
aimed at the general public. You don’t need to provide any academic references
but you could provide some relevant links to trustworthy online resources.
Statements for blog posts:

1) Datafication is a key development in the history of the internet.

2) Social media users are free to produce the content they want.

3) Online relationships are worse than offline relationships.

4) Any use of social media is unpaid labour.

5) Bridging the digital divide is only a matter of time.

6) The internet should not be regulated by anyone.

7) Online activism is less effective than offline activism.

8) Social media creates echo chambers and/or filter bubbles.

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