discuss a cdp

The Week 2 Lesson explains SMART Goals and the  components of a Career Development Plan (Objective – Milestone – Obstacles – Solutions – Goal).
For this Discussion create your  1-3-5 year Career Development Plan using these 5 components. Goals should be reviewable as SMART Goals.
Please consider your needs/plans for further learning/professional development. What do you anticipate needing, and how will you acquire it? If you want to project the 5 years part farther out to 7 or 10 (i.e., 1-3-10) because that works better for you, that is fine. Just be clear to adjust the timeline.

Instructions & Guidance

Initial Post: Use attached TEMPLATE plan table (CDP). 

Download the Template to create your CDP and post it as part of your initial post. It is OK to post either as an attachment or as a table in the Discussion. 

In addition to the plan table in your post, write a one-paragraph narrative (max. 200 words) that explains how your acquired MBA knowledge and skills contribute to, or fit into, your CDP.

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