Research Paper Module 7

DBA 721
Research Paper and Presentation Guidelines and Rubric
The research paper should focus on how strategic HR Management can inform and influence the topic> “Evaluative and Corrective Actions”<. Ideally, you may choose to consider the impact of human capital and human resources on the topic of your dissertation research. Alternatively, the paper may be a broad literature review in one of the major functions of the field of Human Resource Management. Special attention should be paid to the global aspects of the chosen subject. You may use one of the areas from the weekly readings, or an entirely different area related to Global HR Management. Topics must be approved by the instructor no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of Module 4. The research paper should do the following: Identify/define the area of study and the fields of theory and research that make up this area. Identify the past theory and research in this area. Evaluate the current state of knowledge, theory, and practice in this area and identify how this information may influence the central idea of your dissertation research AND/OR further the study and practice of global Human Resources. Make suggestions for theory development and possible streams of research, and how and why this continued research is of significance. The paper should be approximately 9, excluding the cover page and reference section. Standard APA format should be used including in-text references and a Reference page. In the Collaborate 3 session (Module 8), you will give a short (2-3 minute executive summary) oral presentation of your work, emphasizing where your research indicates the particular area of study is headed and opportunities for doing further research

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